The Valuable Truth I Learned About Failure
Do you feel like a failure? That was how I felt at the age of 28, with 17 jobs under my name. I heard that I wasn’t “a good fit” a handful of times and felt that way deep within my heart even more.
Never (except in my dreams) did I think it was possible that several years later, I would be creating an online ministry/business to help other women overcome the cycle of overwhelm and being worn out. It’s fulfilling for me to help moms break free from the negative cycle of feeling like a failure, so they can serve their families and those around from a full cup.
I don’t tell you this to brag, quite the opposite actually. Having this mission planted within my heart, I’ve learned a valuable truth that I hope will bring you comfort and encouragement. Whether you’re feeling like a failure from a long list of “failed” jobs like me or you’re stuck in a hard, messy season and you’re just living on a prayer, hoping that it would all change. Let me tell you, friend, that you’re not alone and definitely not a failure. You were made on purpose for a purpose.
God sees you and knows the whispers of your heart.
There was a time when I didn’t think God cared about my deep desire to find a meaningful job. With each “failed” job it it pushed that bad seed deeper into my thoughts and eventually, I gave up on trying to find a purposeful job. Fast forward a bit to when my daughter was born (my first), I thought perhaps this is why I went through it all. I talked with my hubby Ian, and decided that it would be best for me to stay at home to raise our children. I quickly discovered that raising little human beings is no walk in the park and more often than not I felt like a failure as a mom. I spiralled into believing more lies that I wasn’t a good wife, homemaker, Christian, friend, etc.
Long story short, it’s been a journey of healing and learning (and unlearning too). That’s why I’m here, sharing my story in hopes that it will help lift even one woman who is struggling with her purpose in the season she’s in. This message may be for you.
It’s true! Purpose-driven friend, God knows you intimately. He’s the one who beautifully designed you before birth and He hasn’t forgotten about you (just like He didn’t forget about me). All those failures I had marked on myself, God marked for good and had a purpose for each one. The skills I learned, the pain I felt, and the desires in my heart were not wasted.
Take delight in the Lord and He’ll give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He’ll help you. Psalm 37: 4-5 NLT
It’s amazing what happens when we surrender and commit every area of our lives to God (even the ones that are kept hidden). Our heart desires become aligned with God’s purpose. He uses it all for our good and His glory. I wish I could tell my 28-year-old self: that God is a good God, and what you're going through now will be worth it; just be patient, you need time to grow.
Oh how I wish I could be there with you in person giving you this gentle, but powerful reminder (just like the sunrise rays breaking the darkness in the morning) proclaiming this truth over your weary soul:
You are exactly where you are meant to be for God to fulfill His purpose through you.
As I look back on every time I chose to trust God, every time I said yes Lord even when it didn’t make sense at the moment, every time I took a leap of faith it provided a path of stepping stones to where I am today. I wouldn’t change a thing!
Beautiful-hearted friend, I know God has good plans for you, A path that he is carving out for you. No matter where you find yourself right now, know that God is in control and He uses everything for your good and His glory. He turns messy and mundane moments into something meaningful for His mission. In the middle of a waiting season, we can view it as an opportunity to grow our faith and trust in God's goodness.
Our purpose is not a one-stop destination, it’s in the journey. Each day we can live out our purpose loving God and others, becoming the women we’re called to be: faithfully alive and free in our hearts and home.
Always cheering you on with deep joy and abundant purpose,
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