

Hearted, Friend


It’s my deepest hope to help other women break free from the cycle of overwhelm, be alive in their faith and cultivate a purposeful life with more joy, ease, and grace.

Hi, I’m Sheena.

Jesus follower, wife, and mom of 2 (plus our rescue dog, Molly), I enjoy a warm cup of chai tea in my mornings, dark chocolate, realistic minimalism, and the beauty of God’s nature. I believe our home life is like a mission field - where we desire to serve with joy, purpose, grace, and ease - but the pressure of everyday life happens right. The neverending piles of dishes and laundry, the overwhelming clutter that fills almost every corner of your home, the disconnect with your husband and children (or even some friendships), stuck in a cycle of rhythm and routines in your life that are doing more harm than good, and the constant guilt and lies that target your heart that says, β€œI’m not enough” and β€œI’m a failure.”.

In the midst of all this, you’re wondering how to get off this hamster wheel. The walls are closing in, and you can’t breathe. You’re tired of being overwhelmed and worn out trying to be the best wife, mom, homemaker, Christian etc. you can be, yet constantly feeling like the opposite is true. Does this sound familiar to you?

You’re not alone dear friend!

There was a time when everything just felt hard, from the everyday chores, communicating with my husband, parenting my children, and dealing with the stress of clutter that was taking over my home. Even the rhythm and routines that we naturally fell into were not serving our family well. I had no clue how to implement the change we needed or how to make it stick. All I wanted to do was to be the best version of myself and serve those I loved well, but instead, I was serving from an empty cup. Negative thoughts cycled through my mind and penetrated my heart, calling out that I wasn’t a good enough mom, wife, Christian, or homemaker and that I was a failure. I often wondered why I couldn’t be more like that confident mom on Instagram who looks like she has a perfect home life with her family, had it all together, and figured out.

You don’t have to continue this cycle of feeling overwhelmed, not enough, or failing at it. It’s possible to live free and have an intentional life with simplicity, grace, joy, and boldly surrendered faith. I’m not perfect nor do I have it all figured out, but I would love to share with you what I’m learning from life lessons, good advice, and God’s word. It would be a pleasure to link arms and journey with you.

Are you ready to stop spinning your wheels and start living a more purposeful life filled with joy, grace, and ease?

Beautiful-hearted friend, together we can grow: becoming the women we were created to be faithfully alive and free in our hearts and homes.

β€œI pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

FREE mini guide:

7 Ways to Overcome Feelings of Overwhelm, Worn Out, and Failure

Let’s journey together @sheenawarner