Let’s Break The Cycle Together!

Through personalized coaching, we’ll transform your heart and home from overwhelmed to overjoyed.

Beautiful-Hearted, Friend!

​​Are you feeling…

  • stuck in an endless loop where your home feels like a constant battlefield against clutter and chaos?

  • trapped in a cycle of guilt and exhaustion, struggling to meet the expectations of being a perfect wife, mom, homemaker, Christian, and the many other roles you live out?

  • worn out from serving out of an empty cup, trying to make your home a haven for your family.

  • tired of being triggered into a tornado of emotions you can’t control.

  • like your faith and self-care habits are on the back burner because you're just trying to keep your head afloat?

  • like a failure when scrolling through social media, seeking inspiration, only to feel worse because it seems everyone else has their life perfectly together? 

I get it. You’re in an overwhelming phase of life.

I’ve been there, too, trying to balance it all: family and home management, working from home, my faith, friends, self-care (what self-care?) and more.

Wouldn’t it be great if your daily chaos transformed into a harmonious life…

  • You have a sense of peace and purpose with a clear picture of your core values and a path to follow with confidence.

  • You embrace realistic expectations (with a side of grace) and let go of the comparison, guilt, and shame.

  • You’re cultivating healthy self-care habits and good mindset patterns for better mental, emotional, and physical well-being allowing you to serve from an overflowing cup.

  • Your home is organized and clutter-free, creating a serene environment that renews you rather than drains you.

  • You’re deeply rooted and nourished in your faith, ready to handle what each day brings with renewed strength and joy.

  • You can show up as the mom you want to be, grow closer to your husband, and build a foundation of connection in your home instead of conflict.

There is hope, beautiful-hearted friend!

You don’t have to continue this cycle of feeling overwhelmed, not enough, or failing at it. It’s possible to live free and have an intentional life with simplicity, grace, joy and boldly surrendered faith.

You are not alone, Beautiful-Hearted Friend!

Which is why I’ve felt a desire to coach women like you who feel stuck on a hamster wheel, feeling worn out and like a failure. 

Consider me your “Well-being Bestie” Coach. Someone on your side, like an unbiased close friend who can help you tackle the root of your overwhelm with small, doable, practical steps
(with a side of grace and understanding.)

By the way, I’m Sheena,

a wife and mom of two, along with our rescue dog Molly. I love Jesus, chai tea, dark chocolate, realistic minimalism, going on nature walks, and helping women break the overwhelm cycle to cultivate an intentional life with boldly surrendered faith at the centre.

It’d be amazing to feel joy and at ease with the rhythm of your home and peace in your heart, right? With purpose and grace along the way!

I’m passionate about helping women become who they were created to be, faithfully alive and free in their hearts and homes.

If you’re ready to break the cycle of overwhelm in your heart and home,
I invite you to fill out a no-pressure form so I can get to know you better and learn how I can help.

If struggling in silence hasn’t been working, It only makes sense to take the next step.

Let’s schedule a quick, cozy call (with your favourite tea or coffee) to discuss how we can take this journey together toward more joy, grace, and ease for you, your family, and your life.

  • Sheena has a deep passion for coaching and mentoring. She has a warm heart with empathy, which makes it easy to talk to her. Sheena has shed some light in my thinking with some Godly advice and wisdom. I leave our conversations feeling refreshed.

    Elizabeth S.

  • "Sheena is a sweet soul with a big heart and has a rich understanding of what it is to live intentionally, choosing to replace overwhelm with freedom and calm.  She is someone you'll want to have on your journey with you, as you embrace the same."

    Shannon T

  • "Sheena truly cares and is a great listener. She is compassionate, respectful, and understanding.

    Kristen S-D

Are you ready to stop spinning your wheels and live a flourishing and purposeful life

(filled with joy, grace, and ease)?

“Something special Sheena passed on that's impacted me is the resources she sent. “

She actively listened and expertly asked the right questions in order to send me the right resources that would make a difference in my life right now. I appreciate the time she took and I know she is committed in my success.
- Julie D

Let’s dive deep into identifying the root causes of your being overwhelmed and work together to develop personalized strategies that align with your unique life and values. Here’s a glimpse of what we could talk about:

We'll tackle the physical, mental, and emotional clutter so you can show up as your best self and implement strategies to fill your cup first.

We’ll develop effective rhythms and simple habits for that will support and serve you (and your family) both now and in the future.

We’ll make a plan to cultivate stronger and more meaningful connections with your husband and children so you can get off the crazy cycle.

We’ll discuss how to live out your mission with boldly surrendered and grace-filled faith with out the weight of perfection or guilt.

What you get:

>> Individual coaching calls
6 biweekly 45-minute Zoom calls over 3 months.

>> Weekly email access 
for accountability, support and questions in between calls for specific situations or to celebrate success.

>> Personalized real results action steps 
to tackle the root of your overwhelm so you can grow in your heart and home.

Here’s How To Get Started

Fill Out a Quick, No-Pressure Form

(no commitment yet) to give me an idea of what areas are causing you to be overwhelmed and what your goals are—what you want your life to look like. It’s possible my friend!

We’ll Connect on
Zoom and Chat

We’ll discuss how we’ll journey together, giving you the tools and support to get out of the valley to your mountaintop, including resources when mudslides happen.

Get Started on Your Beautiful Journey

After selecting your payment plan I’ll send you all the details to get started and schedule your first call. I look forward to helping you overcome the overwhelm in your life.

“I was feeling so overwhelmed and lost and clueless as to how and where to start to move forward.”

I was at a point in time where everything was out of control! Sheena offered to come and help me tackle some of my "visual clutter".  She ended up helping with more than that... All the while gentle, kind, firm, encouraging...  Celebrating each win like it was her own!

- Janet C. (see her entire testimonial here)

A personal note from my heart to yours.

Dear Beautiful-Hearted Friend,

Let me wrap up by speaking to you personally for a moment.

Firstly, I’ve had a deep desire to coach for several years because I always felt called to serve you — to help you become ALIVE and FREE in your heart and home — and hope for brighter days filled with joy and ease. As moms, it’s not easy to admit we need help, but I believe you can take the first courageous step towards your best version—who God created you to be on this side of Heaven.

Investing in yourself (and your future) is a big decision and can sometimes feel scary (I've been there!). Sometimes, it feels better to play it safe with the familiar than with the unknown — but nothing will change if nothing changes. You wouldn’t hesitate to get your children help if they needed it. You matter, too! You are the most impactful influence in your family and worth investing in so you can lead a new example, a new harmonious life, and a new legacy.

What if that small, brave choice started you along a beautiful journey, from chaos to calm, from guilt to grace, and from overwhelmed to overjoyed? What if your heart, your relationships, your home, and your life could look wonderfully differently — in the very best of ways?

with blessings and joy,


“I was feeling overwhelmed in my life. There are so many things I wanted to do and I felt I needed to do them all at once.”

I'm so glad I decided to work with Sheena because now I feel I have clarity and some tools to use to tackle all the things. It's no longer overwhelming to think of what I want to do. Instead, I feel I have a clear view of how to prioritize things and how to let other things go for now.

- Audrey H.

Fequently Asked Questions

Have a few questions (That’s great!) I would love to answer them. If you have a more specific question that isn’t here, please email me at hello@sheenawarner.com.

  • I offer the total payment broken down into 3 equal payments.

  • I’m here for you, beautiful-hearted, friend! It’s my mission to help you have the tools, resources and support to handle the overwhelming root causes in your heart and home.

    If, at any point during our time together, you feel that this isn’t working, we can chat about it, and I will refund any unused sessions.

  • You and I work together to schedule a time that works for you. It can be the same time each week or at different times.

  • I'm a Christian, I've grown up in a home that layed the foundation of my faith and I continue to make our faith a first prioity in my heart and home. I grew up baptist, but now my family and I attend a local evangelical community church that focuses on being a "life-giving church".

    If you want more details about my faith journey and what I believe of Jesus, here's my statement of faith.

    I do not take credit for my client’s success. It’s all Him! I am just a tool used by God.

It’s time to kick overwhelm out the door!

It’s doesn’t need to have a permanent spot in your home. Let’s link arms and journey together toward a more intentional life with simplicity, grace, and joy.

You Can Live Faithfully Alive and Free
in Your Heart and Home!